Don't forget to schedule time with us now to discuss your health insurance options
Health Insurance dates to remember
There are many important dates to keep in mind this Fall. We thought we'd summarize for you to hopefully help you understand what you may be hearing

Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) Medicare only
Dates: October 15 - December 7
During AEP, those who are on an MAPD (Medicare Advantage Prescription Drugs), MA (Medicare Advantage) or PDP (Prescription Drug Plan) plan have the opportunity to change their plans for the upcoming year. These changes will take effect January 1, 2023. If you choose to remain with the plan you are on, there's no action needed on your part.
CMS Medicare required disclaimer - We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options
Open Enrollment Period (OEP) ACA/Obamacare plans only
Dates: November 1 - January 15
During OEP, it's your one chance per year to sign up for health insurance where you don't need to prove special circumstances. Sign up by December 15 for plans beginning January 1, 2023. Sign up from December 16 - January 15 for plans beginning February 1, 2023.
Group Enrollment for group plans with start dates of 1/1/2023
Dates: Now :)
If you have a business and want to offer a group health insurance plan with a start date of January 1, 2023 the time is now to gather a census of people to be covered on the plan (and their families) and get that information into insurance companies for a quote.
Click on one of the buttons below to set up an appointment!